Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I had a weird dream, the kind you dont want to wake up from because it's just that good and you cant wait to see what happens next. And even after you figure out youre having a dream you keep trying to stay asleep just because it's just like the best movie you have ever seen. I'm in the process of writing a book and I've probably re-written the thing like 10 times. I have a picture in my head how I want it to go but I never actually get there. SO this dream might be a bit of an inspiration. It was about a girl who lived and worked by the beach doing hair right by the water, and she meets three guys and she wants one because he's so dangerous and intense but then wants the other because he's so sweet and fun and smart, and the other she keeps around cause he'll never go anywhere… Throughout the whole dream she kept rotating these guys hoping one wouldn't find the other.. it was the best and most fun and I loved watching what she was gunna do next… like I said it was just a weird dream but it was a lot of fun to have this dream kinda go on in my head.

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