Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Bang Theory

I've had lots of women come into my chair asking if they should get bangs, and I say HECK YAH! Bangs soften the face as well as create that FRENCH motif that is just really cute and chic. I'm into bangs myself, it gives me more grunge... whatever that means!

color me

I just love her hair color, it's so sweet!
clemence posey

New Bright Eyes Album!

It's really good, perfect way to say goodbye to all the fans!

Feather head

Will be ordering this soon to put in everyone's hair!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I think that my whole inspiration for anything I do this year will be PULP style, in the sense that I'm going to take inspiration from all things comic book. It should be fun!

Strong Woman I love!

hit girl!

What is a Strong Woman? What is a leader?

This week I was tested, during the test I was asked if I had what it takes to LEAD. I couldn't think of an answer quick enough to save me, but the question set me off. What is it to lead, to be a woman with power, to be a bitch in charge? Is this what makes a strong woman? I started looking it up, googling like a mad man... I mean bitch... lol. And I was inspired.

The first person I thought of was Kelly Cutrone. I read her book last year and I found it inspiring and exciting. Kelly can't press it enough that to be a strong woman you gotta be tough. No crying, no breaking, no mistakes, no prissy hissy fits! She says stuff that gets you moving, gets your energy going, and lights a fire under your ass. She describes being a strong woman like being a wolf mother. The bitch in the front of the pack that guards them to the death!

In Kelly's world, you got to have true grit, wipe that tear from your face and rise above! With her jet black hair all over the place she demands hard work from her people and even harder work from herself. She doesn't put up with the bullshit and she stands up to anyone in her way, which she knocks down effortlessly.

After Kelly came Oprah. Oprah is a master at hard work and professionalism. I watched her interview with that guy that replaced King, and I was just in awe at what she had to say. As a big girl myself, Oprah proved that working hard isn't easy and sometimes we don't get to have our cake... we just eat it... I took one thing from that interview, and that was her truth, that no matter what she was always true to her self and true to the world. She made her life better and earned it.

I hung out with my mother, she is a strong woman. Her reign is strong and her reign is pure. My mother works to the bone because she believes that hard work is an honest life. Plus she has expensive taste. My mother never calls out, she never hurts people or puts anyone in a bind. If you ask her for anything she goes above and beyond to help. My mother is my boss, and she does this with love and kindness... which brought me to my faveorite leader...


He lead his people with truth, heart, and by being the change he wanted to see in the world.

This is the leader I want to be along with HITGIRL!!!

Strong women are everywhere, and every woman should step it up, be strong, and play hard. I think that no matter what a strong woman is not only just muscle, brains, and bitch, but most of all KIND. Takes a big heart to make big dreams come true.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hunx and His Punx - "Lover's Lane" live

A Slap

It takes so much to bring me down. Sometimes it only takes a simple word or two. I have been challenged this whole month. I'm so sick of taking these challenges day to day and doing my best to tackle them. I have muscle, I have truth, and I have drive, the only thing I'm truly lacking is confidence and the right person to help pick me up when I am down.

So this JOB i keep talking about, it's to work at a distributing company as a leader to a group of educators. Some have all ready been with the company for a while and some will be new just like me. I all ready have the position as an educator all I need to do is pass the tests and show them I can teach a class. During the 2nd interview for this I was told of a position that was slightly higher, the way it sounded was it would be to work full time teaching and hosting events for salons. I just realized it was really more like managing the team I'd be part of and managing a full range of salons too.

I found this to be the soul purpose of the job yesterday during my final interview with the president of the company, (boy was he scary) and he made sure that I knew that I had to be a leader and that I had to be tough, which of course I was not during the interview. He hounded me over and over and over again until I turned into a sheep and showed my shit face side. I couldn't help but feel broken, defeated, shamed.

I don't think of this interview as the end of it. I think of it as a test that the world order gave me on a whim, and a test I know I failed due to lack of studying and lack of skill. If I would have read more things on leading, if I had KNOWN it was going to be such a big part of the interview, I know I would have at least hit him hard with strong answers and a the real ME. THE WOLF. I have to turn into a phoenix, burn this scared little lamb and rise from the ashes.

It sucked and it hurt and it was a shit defeat but I did learn a lot from it and I will move on and take from it.

Leaders are people the are there to set an example, lead the team through defeat, motivate and encourage good work. A leader runs at full force, with balls to the wall, and taking no shit. I'm the bitch in charge. I know one thing that if I had this job I would put my whole self into it, I would not only bring my professional self to it, but my whole being into it. I would have build my courage I would have stepped up.
NOt having the job will allow me to grow, and get more ground. I do have what it takes and that man will be the last person I let take that from me.

i'm a wolf.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart "Say No To Love"

band I plan to see at coachella...

also kinda the song of the night

Pin Up Hair Style tutorial

If there is one thing you MUST do this spring, it's wear this hairstyle with a fantastic flower in your hair. Nothing is more romantic, nothing is more spring time. I say a flower in your hair is as old school as it comes.

read this blog!

great photographs, I get inspired looking at her work. I need to do this, be creating and making works of art.

Color Zoom 2011 by Goldwell

here is a look at how it was all done!

Color Zoom 2011 Goldwell

Time to get inspired and time to create! I just watched this video today and I'm so excited to share with everyone what this year's trend is.


Getting Inspired!

So many great things are coming in 2011, and so many great changes for me! I'm on my way to where I want to go!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011



Honestly I have been feeling like there is too much of everything, too many new bands, too many new trends, just too much of it all.

I get overwhelmed but I've learned that sometimes you just gotta be ahead. I try to always be creative when it comes to work or art or life. I don't want to be boring I just want to be ahead.

Movement, it's what keeps the mind young and life on the edge. Always keep moving, let your mind flow with ideas and new things and keep yourself going. I don't like to stop. I don't like for things to be the same or constant. I get bored, I need change. I get inspired when I can, I motivate myself, I do things without thinking too much or just on a whim. I learn from mistakes and I take what I can get from life and the things I see and do.

My brother is a jerk, always has been always will be. I try to motivate him, even if I'm not his example or choice. I feel bad I'm not good enough but I realize I do what I can. Anyways I tried to give him a gift that he could never forget, never would forget. I would take him to coachella and show him what life can be like.

I guess pulling him into my passages is just not working and he has declined. I can't be bothered but I can't help it. I just wanted him to live freely, do something that would show him all of life. Living and growing, and knowing.


Thank you Lil Wayne for making me smile

Song of the night

I'm in Love with KOPPPPPPER

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I finally got the Coachella updates I've been waiting for, yay! I'm really excited to see a lot of the bands on the set list. I had some wished that were not met like Jens Lekman and Pulp but I was really happy to see pj harvey and death from above and chemical brothers. I had a flop come right after though. My brother isn't coming to Coachella, even after I bought everything and booked his flight. SUCKS!

I still haven't heard anything from Goldwell regaurding the job I applied for but I don't let it get to me. I keep it together and keep my thoughts positive and I just wait for the call.

I still am on my way to becoming a Goldwell educator.


Learned a new cutting technique. I love it, it creates flow and its just right! It takes no time too!

I still havent done my photoshoot and I'm brainstorming really hard to come up with colorzoom and stuff just for fun.

I have this creative urge running through me and I just can't wait to express myself.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Studebaker Hawk releases free Christmas album on Christmas Day

Studebaker Hawk releases free Christmas album on Christmas Day


So happy they done! I couldn't keep up with that plus the interviews plus all the changes around my job.

more to come