Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Amy!

Today Amy Winehouse would have been 28. I know most of us are still in a bit of shock that such talent could go to waste like that. The truth is Amy had a raw talent and sang from her soul. Every note that girl hit was full of emotion and pain. Amy struggled with so many demons and it was very implicated through her songs. Addiction took Amy, not her lack of will to live or her love of partying. Addiction is not an easy battle, I know. It can take you to places you never want to go. When I listen to her music or to her sing, it puts me at that place again when I was just an addict. I admit that I too had an addiction and you know what that shit wasn't easy. I struggled with it and I don't even know how I got through it. I don't talk about it much because a lot of people don't understand what addiction is and they look at it with disgust. Addiction creeps its ugly head in the least way you would expect it. I'm 27 and sober. I don't know how I got to this place but I'm happy that I did and I'm grateful that I have will power to know my limit. When I think about dying now I realize that there is no fucking way I'd be okay with that. I haven't even done much with my life and believe me, there's a lot I want to do. Amy Winehouse you inspire me to keep on keeping on. I want to live my life and say you know what I beat this, i fucking made it!!!!! R.I.P Amy, love you girl!

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