Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Fear of Talking

Never fear your stylist! Never!

They repect you more when your just open and honest but in a caring way. Getting your hair done wether you do color or cut, or both, is a very close thing between you and your stylist. The outcome is in your hands, always, it's a common thing to think that its all up to the stylist( unless you say, whatever you want) to make the outcome good but really its you.

Conversation. To me conversation is a key tool when it comes to doing hair in a salon atmosphere. The stylist and the client meet, they have a consultation, and from there they brainstorm to create a masterpieace. They throw out ideas and styles.

I advise that clients use pictures, color palates, words and symbols to give your stylist the idea and inspiration for your look.

Never sit in the chair and start off your conversation with nereves, or fear. Like don't say how scarred you are or how your really anxious and really worried.

Start off with an open mind, and a happy outlook in the future, boost the stylist up, say things like you'll rock this out, or your the professional. (cheeezy I know)

And if your hair looks shitty, well take a deep deep breath and know that someone will fix it, that the person that just fucked up is human, and that for them it's heat breaking to feel bad.

JUST be open and good things will happen to your head.

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