Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mikki and Joyce

Receive my love, my kindness, my friend. Take my hand and don't ask why. Let's embrace under the stars, talk about men, smoke a cigar. Drink a glass of wine and lets have dessert, make sure we speak from the heart, and not leave out any dirt. Joke for awhile then get serious but remember my love, you have me to vent. I love you friend, for you are smart and brave and strong. We smile and speak with heavy silence, you know, I know. Goodnight sleep tight, we have life to live tomorrow, for tonight was about love and living in our own world away from all we know.

Last night I had a great girls night. The kind of night that you know could only be kept in your heart and mind. It was a special thing and no one could ruin it. CHEESSSSEEEEE FRIES!!!!!

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